Unique Camera Sensor In New GigE Vision Camera Range
11 May 2007

Firstsight Vision can now offer the new Genie HM640, HM1024 and HM1400 GigE Vision and GenICam-compliant machine vision cameras from DALSA. These cameras are characterized by unique sensors, developed and manufactured by DALSA which are available only on Genie cameras.
The new sensors deliver performance with excellent image quality at high speeds, bringing unparalleled price/performance and offering new opportunities to vision system developers.
Image data can be captured at speeds up to 295 frames per second at VGA resolution, 100 fps at 1024 x 768 resolution or 60 frames per second at 1400 x 1024 resolution dependent on model. The new advanced sensor with 7.4 um pixels incorporates global exposure and asyncronous triggering as well as a partial scan capability. The tightly integrated acquisition technology utilising DALSA¹s camera and frame grabber technology provides inbuilt LUT¹s and flat field correction as well as I/O and enhanced signal-to-noise ratio leading to superior image clarity for high-speed industrial and medical imaging applications.
Gigabit Ethernet technology ensures that data can be transmitted over distances up to 100 m using standard CAT-5e and CAT-6 cables. Genie HM Series cameras are supported by all software that support the GigE Vision standard as well as DALSA¹s Sapera Essential machine vision software. This provides image acquisition, control and image processing tools to allow developers to design, develop and deploy high-performance machine vision systems. Sapera Essential allows monitoring of triggering, image capture and data transfer functions to provide the DALSA Trigger-to-Image Reliability.
Trigger-to-Image Reliability is a design framework that guarantees the reliability of the image acquisition system. It contributes to efficient machine vision system design and operation by supplying the key design elements needed to secure the image acquisition process, permit error identification, and provide a recovery mechanism if errors do occur.
Ruth Thompson
Firstsight Vision Ltd.
The Old Barn,
Fax: +44 1252 780001
Web: www.firstsightvision.co.uk
E-mail: rthompson@firstsightvision.co.uk