Alfa Laval adopts Tri-Clover brand for Pharma fittings
13 Jun 2007

Alfa Laval is now marketing the Tri-Clover ® range of tubing, fittings and installation equipment to the Pharma sector of the
Tri-Clover® products have been the leading sanitary fluid handling equipment in the
Uniform wall thickness is maintained through the use of fabrication-grade wall tubing for all cold-formed products. After cold forming, tube is re-sized to ensure that it complies with the prescribed tolerances. End tubing receives the same precise attention to detail. The result is consistently accurate orbital welding and guaranteed product consistency. All Tri-Clover ® products are visually inspected and then subjected to mechanical checks for ovality and squareness along with a final check for the quality of the surface finish. Once these checks are complete each length of tube or fitting is individually capped and packaged ready for delivery to the customer.
Tri-Clover ® fittings complement Alfa Laval’s established range of products developed for sanitary duties which includes pumps, valves, valve controllers, heat exchangers and tank equipment.
More press information from Alfa Laval Ltd, Peter Rose, Marketing Manager
Tel: 01276 413632
Fax: 01276 413524