Wireless modules enhance controller versatility
3 Aug 2007

Image above: Pilz Automation Technology is launching new InduraNET p modules for adding wireless communications to PSSuniversal modular controllers.
Pilz Automation Technology is launching new modules for use with its PSSuniversal modular controller for safety and standard automation applications. The InduraNET p modules enable robust wireless links to be implemented in industrial environments where wiring would be difficult or expensive, as well as mobile applications.
The Pilz PSSuniversal is a modular, versatile, future-proof I/O and control platform that can be easily integrated within control systems for machinery or processes. It enables costs to be saved through a reduced requirement for engineering resource and by virtue of the fact that customers only pay for what they need.
Furthermore, it is economical for handling standard control functions and/or safety-related functions in mid-range and high-end automation projects. Standard automation control functions and safety functions are carefully united, yet they remain separated in order to maintain the integrity of the safety-related functions.
A maximum of 64 standard and safety input/output modules - each with two or four I/O - can be installed in any order alongside a single PSSuniversal head module. Communication via all common standard fieldbus protocols is supported, as well as SafetyBUS p, the fail-safe, open industrial fieldbus system.
A wide portfolio of digital and analogue input and output modules is already available for the implementation of standard (automation) control functions. For safety functions, modules are available for digital inputs, and semiconductor and relay outputs.
The latest module to be added to the PSSuniversal family features the new Pilz InduraNET p technology. Due to commence production in October 2007, this industrial radio network facilitates wireless communications in areas where wiring is difficult or expensive, as well as mobile applications. A special feature of InduraNET p is the innovative antenna system, which guarantees a constant, high-quality connection under all application conditions. Intelligent frequency management, known as Coexistence Frequency Management (CFM), also enables InduraNET p systems to coexist with other wireless systems in the 2.4GHz ISM band, with high immunity to interference from other wireless services such as DECT, UMTS or GSM.
InduraNET p enables a PSSuniversal system to be separated at any point, just by adding the relevant InduraNET p converter modules. One base station can communicate with up to four remote stations. A particular benefit for the user is that there is no need to be aware of the wireless connection, as the view of the process I/O image remains the same.
Nevertheless, the main benefits remain the ease of implementation, the application versatility that can be achieved with wireless communications, and the cost savings from not having to install hard-wired or fieldbus links.
Please contact Pilz to request more information about InduraNET p, or visit the website at www.pilz.co.uk
Pilz Automation Technology
Telephone: 01536 460766
Fax: 01536 460866
E-mail: sales@pilz.co.uk
Website: www.pilz.co.uk