Hybrid heat exchanger cranks up the pressure
5 Sep 2007

Developed to combine the thermal efficiency of a Plate Heat Exchanger with the pressure and temperature resistance of a shell & tube unit, the new AlfaDisc all-welded exchanger is ideal for duties involving high pressures and temperatures across a wide range of processes.
AlfaDisc is designed for use with liquids, gases and two-phase mixtures at temperatures up to +538 0C (lowest temperature -195 0C) and pressures as high as 72 barg, making it ideal for applications involving aggressive media such as organic solvents, steam heating duties and for use as an interchanger. It is a multi-pass unit, with a plate side and a shell side, which is capable of handling up to four passes on each side, with hot and cold media flowing through alternating channels in either co-current or true counter-current flow.
A feature of the design is that when only one side of the exchanger is subject to corrosive conditions, the two exchanger elements can be fabricated from different materials. This means that standard materials can be employed on the non-corrosive side with exotic materials restricted to the corrosive side; thereby enabling significant cost savings to be made
Initially, the AlfaDisc range consists of three models, AlfaDisc 50, 100 and 150, the model numbers relating to the size of the connection on the plate side of the exchanger. On the shell side nozzle sizes up to DN 400 can be supplied to provide higher vapour or liquid flow rates. The maximum liquid flow rate under optimum conditions is 139 kg/s. To ensure maximum efficiency, the exchanger can be easily accessed on one side for cleaning.
More press information from Alfa Laval Ltd
Peter Rose
Marketing Manager
Tel: 01276 413632
Fax: 01276 413524
E-mail: general.uk@alfalaval.com