ABB’s extended drives warranty offers extra three years peace of mind
5 Sep 2007

Extended warranty is now available for ABB standard and industrial drives. The optional three year warranty reduces risk and gives the user added peace of mind. The warranty also offers optional maintenance intervals, improving the opportunity for lifecycle management.
The extended warranty is sold together with the drive. Alternatively, it can be purchased separately, provided it is taken up within six months of sale. The extended warranty gives customers the option of having a total warranty period for selected drives of five years.
The extended warranty is priced at 12 percent of the list price depending on the drive. This compares favourably with other extended warranties, which sometimes are priced at up to 30 percent of the list price.
The extended warranty mainly covers the following models: ACS550-01 and ACS550-02 up to 400kW; and ACS800-01, ACS800-04, ACS800-07, ACS800-11, ACS800-14, ACS800-17, ACS800-31, ACS800-37 up to 400kW. Warranty prices for other products and sizes are quoted on application.
The drive must be registered with ABB with all registration details required for the warranty to be valid. The registration form must be submitted to ABB, which will issue the certificate to the customer. Standard terms and conditions apply as for the regular two year factory warranty.
Steve Ruddell
ABB Limited
Tel: 01925 741 111
Fax: 01925 741 212