UK Launch for Unique Hydrogen Monitors
26 Nov 2007

Quantitech Ltd, a specialist instrumentation company based in Milton Keynes, has been appointed to distribute a range of truly unique Hydrogen monitors in the UK and Ireland.
Founded in 2002, H2Scan Corporation from California was built around a Hydrogen specific sensor technology that was originally developed in the U.S. National Laboratory at Sandia. Since that time H2Scan has developed a range of advanced portable and fixed monitors for the specific measurement of hydrogen in mixtures, without interference from other gases.
Quantitech’s Sales Director, Dominic Duggan says he is “extremely excited to bring this unique technology to the UK,” adding “H2scan’s hydrogen specific solid-state sensing technology is able to detect hydrogen against virtually any background gases without false readings or expensive support equipment. These instruments are able to detect hydrogen concentrations from 15 ppm to 100% over a wide range of temperatures without cross-sensitivity to other substances. For example, specific hydrogen measurements are possible in process streams with high carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide and humidity levels, and in temperatures up to 100 DegC.”
The H2Scan instruments are available in three models: the HY-ALERTA 500, a portable handheld Hydrogen leak detector; the HY-ALERTA 600, a fixed area Hydrogen monitor; and the HY-OPTIMA 700, an in-line process Hydrogen monitor.
Accurate hydrogen measurements are critical for a large number of organisations. Applications include both health and safety, and process control within a wide variety of industries including petrochemical refineries, hydrogen production, chlorine manufacture, nuclear power/waste, fossil fuel power, chrome plating, lead acid battery monitoring, research, semiconductor and electronics manufacture, abatement exhausts, transformer oil, and automotive (fuel cell technologies).
Further information is available from the Quantitech web site .