Aqua-Save Technology Brings Time and Money Savings to Edwards Ltd.
26 Nov 2007

Increased productivity, lower maintenance costs and environmental improvements have all followed on from the installation of an Aqua-Save Technologies Waste Water System at Edwards Ltd. based in Shoreham by Sea.
Edwards is a leading supplier of vacuum equipment and related products and services to the world's most advanced industries. The very high standards of cleanliness required on their machined castings had meant that the wash water and the filters from their Turbex 1.3 needed to be changed every four days. Now, the addition of an Aqua-Save Junior, which follows metal filtration using rare earth bar magnets, has transformed the machine as Jamie Allan, Maintenance Fitter explains –
“The Aqua-Save has kept the wash water clean for over six weeks now and is still as good as day one”, he says. “This has resulted in less downtime, fewer servicing hours, a reduction in the use of filters and the obvious reduction in waste effluent that has to be taken off site.”
“This is one of many applications that are ideal for the Aqua-Save System,” adds Paul Jarratt, who heads up Aqua-Save Technologies. “Removing oils, coolants and contaminants from the wash water is a key function of the Aqua-Save process but it also automatically doses the correct amount of cleaner back to the wash machine – ensuring optimum cleaning at all times.”
“The whole system has performed exactly as we had hoped and will pay for itself in less than seven months of operation,” concludes Pete Smith, Senior Manufacturing Engineer and Facilities Manager at Edwards Ltd.
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