Nuclear Flask Test Equipment Contract Nears Completion
26 Nov 2007

Contracts for the design and manufacture of test equipment to be used to validate the integrity of flasks deployed in the transportation of nuclear fuels are in the final stages of completion by Wolverhampton based Nuclear Engineering Services Limited (NESL).
The Flask Leak Test Equipment (FLTE) contracts include the design, manufacture and testing of new integrated equipment suitable for use by both British Energy AGR and Magnox nuclear power stations. Following the successful completion of a prototype unit under the joint venture in 2004, the contract was awarded to NESL from Magnox for nine sets of equipment in 2005. In late 2006 a further seven units were purchased for each of the individual British Energy reactor sites throughout the UK.
The test equipment is used to confirm that flasks containing spent nuclear fuel are fully sealed prior to their transportation to Sellafield for fuel reprocessing. The system developed and proved by NESL reduces the existing Flash Leak Tests from a complete eight hour shift to just two hours. In addition, the bespoke software developed by NESL enables the process to be stopped and restarted at strategic check points. These achievements show a significant improvement in process time and cost.
The first sets of test equipment are destined for use by the five Magnox stations, four out of the five stations utilising one unit with one spare. The final seven units have been ordered by British Energy for Advanced Gas cooled Reactors (AGR) and are due for manufacturing completion in May 2008.
NESL provide a total service from project management through to on-site testing and installation, specialising in remote handling equipment for hazardous environments, decontamination and decommissioning activities.
Manufacturing facilities at its Wolverhampton site include cranage up to 55t, a 30m high test and demonstration tower and a 6m deep x 22m wide pit facility.
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