Hot stuff from ROCOL
27 Nov 2007

The heat is on for maintenance engineers as ROCOL Lubricants unveils a new addition to its comprehensive lubrication management programme.
The lubricants manufacturer has introduced a thermal imaging service to the popular ROCOLcare package.
Says Brendan Kendrick, who heads ROCOL’s maintenance lubricants business, “Thermal imaging is widely used in electrical applications but not nearly as widely used in mechanical industries. We saw scope to use the diagnostic capabilities that this technology affords to extend our ROCOLcare service, and give customers ‘early warning signals’ as part of their maintenance regime.”
Brendan says that these diagnostic capabilities are a perfect fit with ROCOL’s preventative approach to equipment maintenance. “The ROCOLcare programme was developed to help customers avoid costly downtime and equipment failures,” he says.
“The programme is based on the concept of preventative maintenance, and this new diagnostic tool will give customers early warning of potential problem areas well in advance, enabling them to take the necessary action to avoid equipment failure.”
The portable, hand held camera works within a huge temperature range (up to 350°C) and is suitable for use with industrial equipment in almost any factory environment.
ROCOLcare was introduced six years ago and has continually evolved to meet customer needs. Brendan believes that its ability to evolve is key to ROCOLcare’s success, and says that take-up of the on-site service engineering element introduced two years ago is testament to this:
Hot stuff from ROCOL
“The service engineering support involves us taking over responsibility for machinery lubrication in customers’ plants, conducting all lubrication tasks, agreeing performance parameters and implementing a proactive approach to lubrication. More and more customers are seeing the benefits of this approach, and take-up is increasing all the time.
“Our aim is to provide a lubrication management service that best meets customer needs, and we see the introduction of thermal imaging as the next step in this process.”
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