Sugar refinery moves to split roll bearings
16 Jan 2008
London - A Norfolk sugar refinery recently suffered a mechanical failure, which completely shut down the operation during its busiest time of the year, causing 30,000 tonnes of beet to be transferred to other factories in the adjacent area while the problem was sorted out.
The company has subsequently changed its strategy to ensure a quick return to service of its equipment in the event of failure. This is especially focused on its complex power transmission systems that drive equipment such as conveyor and tipper drives, crushing plant, feeders and Bagasse (waste sugar cane fibre) pump drives.
The new strategy includes switching from solid bearings to split roller bearings (SRB), which, though more expensive, can be replaced more quickly, simplify installation and cut installation downtime by up to 90%. SRBs can also provide superior sealing arrangements, which means longer bearing life with greatly reduced levels of maintenance, especially important for sugar processing applications.
SRB seal designs allow them to operate completely submerged, totally excluding water and contaminants from the bearing. This is achieved via an arrangement of two lip seals with garter springs & retaining plates, and a central positive grease feed between each seal. The positive action of the grease purge between the two high performance seals offers consistent & reliable long-term operation.