Perma Pure’s GASS™-2040 Sample Conditioning System Earns CE Mark
9 Jul 2009

Wet, hot, dirty gases transformed into dry, cool, clean samples
The GASS-2040 system was tested and certified through an independent audit by TÜV SÜD America Inc. as compliant with EN 61010 – 1 : 2001 (2nd Edition) safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use.
The system prepares demanding gas samples for analysis by removing acid mists, coalescable liquids, water and particulates without altering the concentrations of analyte gases. The GASS-2040 processes samples containing as much as 50% water at rates of up to 25 litres per minute, removing particulates and reducing water content to dew points as low as -25°C.
Water-soluble analyte gases such as CO, CO2, HCl, NOX, O2 and SO2 are protected from loss through dissolution in condensate, and a much lower dew point is achieved than with chiller/condenser technologies. In particular, the GASS-2040 has been successful measuring low level SO2 (under 50ppm) when cooler have failed to preserve the analyte. The durable, all stainless, NEMA 4X rated enclosure resists corrosion, for mounting directly on the stack–eliminating costly, heated sample lines.
For more information about Perma Pure's extensive line of gas conditioning products, visit the company’s website at, or call 800 373 3762 (+1 732 244 0010 outside the United States).
Perma Pure LLC manufactures a full line of gas conditioning products including dryers, humidifiers, filters, coalescers, specialty scrubbers and complete sampling systems for use in medical, scientific and industrial applications. The company is the sole manufacturer of Nafion tubing under license from the polymer manufacturer, DuPont. Perma Pure is based in Toms River, New Jersey, with representatives and distributors around the world.
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