Radar love keeps German highways open
12 Jan 2010
Burgess Hill, UK – Authorities In Germany are employing “intelligent inventory” management of road salt to ensure consistent supplies of the gritting material when it comes to keeping the traffic moving on snowy and icy roads. The distribution and replenishment of supplies is managed by integrating this data into a management system to optimise distribution and logistics processes.
The inventory management system, called “Salt Manager, is based on a vendor management inventory(VMI) model, which ensures demand-actuated replenishment of the storehouses and silos of the users. Salt suppliers and distributors monitor the stocks and co-ordinate deliveries to the local councils as well as regional motorway maintenance authorities.
The basic salt stockpile level data is provided by VEGA non contact radar sensors that measure the levels in storage silos and storehouses to deliver the groundwork information needed for uninterrupted resupply. The measured data is usually sent automatically via telemetry system and can be accessed via the web at any time. The level can also be displayed locally on site with a weatherproof, backlit indicating and adjustment module mounted at ground level.
According to VEGA, its Vegapuls 67 radar sensor is easy to use and immune to dust clouds, condensate and salt build-up, while being non-contact is not damaged by abrasion. The unit also features a plastic-encapsulated antenna system and highly resistant plastic housing to protect it against the extremely corrosive gritting medium and environment.
Latest radar versions with have integrated radio or GPRS technology to make the transmission of the data and installation of the units even easier. VEGA uses a web-based system, WEB VV, for monitoring and publishing data for remote sites with bespoke web page design to suit customer requirements along with email and text message alerts when alarm levels are reached., securely hosted in a dedicated server room.