ExxonMobil, Invensys in refinery software deal
22 Mar 2010
London – ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co. (EMRE) has agreed to allow Invensys Operations Management to sub-license a suite of its refinery process models to third parties. The suite of models will be delivered through Invensys’ SimSci-Esscor optimisation software, using its ROMeo system to enable clients to model and optimise process units.
“With depressed demand, decreased margins and increased environmental mandates, refiners no longer have the option to simply operate at maximum throughput,” said Sudipta Bhattacharya, president and chief executive of Invensys. “Over the course of the coming decade, we will see a drastic shift in the oil industry as refiners constantly optimise their operations in the face of changing feedstock and energy costs, product specs and margins.
“Refiners will increasingly rely on accurate modeling technologies to construct a refinery-wide picture and assess the financial impact of different operating scenarios. Our SimSci-Esscor optimisation software and ROMeo solution, combined with EMRE process models, enables refiners to make improved economic decisions throughout the refinery, from crude feed to final product blending.”
SimSci-Esscor is designed to enable companies to optimise refinery-wide performance, as well as utilities and instrument/equipment health monitoring. Users can also use the data generated by rigorous models to enhance planning and scheduling decisions.
“These modeling improvements allow refiners to better optimise their operations. We use ROMeo technology in our plants for multiple applications and continue to work with Invensys to develop improvements in this technology,” said Charles Darnell, global manager for optimisation at EMRE.