Dow, Davy advance PTA process technology
11 Nov 2010
Midland, Michigan – Dow Chemical Co. and Davy Process Technology (DPT) have launched a new technology for the production of purified terephthalic acid (PTA).
The Compress PTA process based on a “breakthrough” combination of demonstrated pressure filtration; solvent recovery and integrated water recycling processes, the companies claim.
This technology is said to offers PTA producers an investment cost reduction of 15%, higher reliability leading to higher capacity utilization, and conversion cost improvement of 20% compared to competing technologies.
According to Dow, the proocess is also easier to operate due to its simplicity, and offers lower environmental impact with lower emissions and less liquid waste.
Compress PTA is the result of a project started in 2008, when Dow and DPT broadened a collaboration on LPOxosm process technology for producing Oxo alcohols, to further develop the Dow’s PTA technology.
The work resulted in the introduction of the new COMPRESS™ PTA technology.
The PTA technology is jointly licensed, with basic engineering being provided by DPT. Longer term improvements are being developed at DPT’s Technology Centre in the UK, with the establishment of pilot facilities to enable the work on further cost-reductions.