Safer is better business
1 Sep 2011

Senior chemical-industry executives often fail to grasp the details when it comes to developing policies covering asset integrity and in deploying relevant strategies
Despite being ultimately responsible for plant safety, board members and senior management often treat chemical-site safety as being of secondary importance to financial matters. This, say experts, leads to an over-reliance on engineers and technicians to ensure that effective procedures are followed.
As Dr Andrew Fowler, operations director of HFL Risk Services, puts it, unless a company has actually suffered the effects of a major accident, the main focus in board meetings generally remains firmly on financial matters, with plant safety often much further down the agenda.
“The fact is that plant safety and company profitability are actually very closely linked,” said Fowler. “Major accidents in high-hazard industries can be extremely costly, with forced downtime, compensation claims, fines, clean-up costs, rebuilding expenses, damage to reputation and, in worst-case scenarios, loss of life.”
Under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, courts have power to prosecute companies rather than individuals in fatality cases, where it is deemed that an organisation’s conduct in respect of health and safety matters has fallen far below what could have been expected in terms of duty of care.
Moreover, notes Fowler, employers in high-hazard industries are increasingly being called upon to demonstrate organisational competence in process safety management (PSM). This, he explains, means having a working knowledge and clear policy on PSM throughout the organisation, but, importantly, led from the top.
Adopting a reactive approach to compliance in these instances will undoubtedly lead to gaps in the PSM programme, and greater exposure to potential loss
And as Phil Scott, safety and risk policy manager at the Chemical Industries Association, explains: “Businesses managing major hazard potential have to appreciate that the hazardous substances they store represent their highest business risks, and need to be sure they have effective systems to manage those risks.”
Despite this, results from the first-ever PSM benchmarking exercise for the chemical industry revealed a high reliance on technical staff to know what needs to be done to implement and maintain plant safety.
The benchmarking study carried out by HFL with the support of the CIA, HSE and the National Skills Academy for the Process Industries found a disconnect between those responsible for setting policy and those responsible for carrying it out. This divide, noted Fowler, was identified following the Buncefield accident, when the HSE investigation board made its recommendations concerning policy, monitoring and review.
“While it’s essential that competent personnel are charged with process safety, experience has shown that, if not properly directed, this often leads to reactive compliance, meaning that company resources are not necessarily targeted to best effect,” said the HFL expert.
“Since it is senior management and board directors who ultimately approve the finance for the implementation of changes and initiatives to underpin safety, it makes sense that they understand how hazards and risks are identified and assessed,” he added.
“Management needs to be aware that just because some aspect of safety management has been deemed a ’hot topic’, honing in on one area may not be the most cost-effective way of driving down overall risk.”
Installations deemed high hazard must clearly comply with a number of regulations, codes and standards, designed to prevent or mitigate the outcomes of major accidents. However, we also need to look at situations where current codes and standards have less relevance, Fowler continued. This, he said, is especially the case where, due to circumstance and necessity, plant is being pushed well beyond its intended life and yet the design standards have been superseded and the design intent has been lost with the passage of time.
“Adopting a reactive approach to compliance in these instances will undoubtedly lead to gaps in the PSM programme and a greater exposure to potential loss,” the HFL expert said. “When senior management take a more active role in process safety policy, they find that far from it being a time and resource-sapping exercise, it can in actual fact save the company money.”
Identification of assets, plant and processes that are both critical to site safety and the business as a whole is an essential first step in managing process safety. A detailed review of potential loss of containment events will then help identify risk control (management) systems that are essential for ongoing safe operation and maintenance.
KPIs designed to detect failures within these systems can then be put in place to provide directors and senior managers with the assurances they need to remain confident that the business’s statutory and moral obligations will continue to be met.
But if the board and senior management are to truly realise their PSM aims and objectives, there needs to be a positive process safety culture throughout the organisation. This, said Fowler, means process safety leadership from the top, with senior management having a thorough understanding and committed role in the development of PSM policy and its deployment.
For Sarah Grindrod of business improvement firm Picme, PSM policy deployment offers a structure or framework within which to work: formalising the way in which things should be done and eliminating reliance on people’s experience.
Effective policy deployment, she argues, also means that progress towards goals is formally monitored in a visual environment. It aids sustainability and, from a legal point of view, helps demonstrate compliance to the relevant authorities.
“Like financial targets, policy deployment provides a shared vision, which aids long-term strategic planning and gives focus to the entire organisation. It also provides alignment, involvement and cross-functional team working and ensures resources are directed where they are most needed,” Grindrod concluded.
Asset safety
Process safety management
The key elements of PSM policy deployment are:
- Individuals and teams have clearly defined objectives and targets;
- The link between each team or individual objective and the top-level business objectives can be clearly understood;
- Visually displayed KPIs or measures are openly available to monitor the progress of teams and individuals toward meeting their objectives;
- Each team or individual has clear, visually displayed action plans (these can be electronic or paper-based) which illustrate the activities they will be completing to meet their objectives;
- Each team or individual updates their KPIs/measures and action plans on a regular basis;
- The management team holds regular reviews of the policy deployment system to monitor progress. If plans are not ’on track’ corrective actions are taken.
Asset management in brief…
BASF has started an operational excellence programme with Reliable Manufacturing a Warrington, UK-based change-management consultancy to help maximise asset utilisation and increase capacity at its Antwerp plant. A €1-billion investment programme saw huge increases in production between 2006 and 2008 at Antwerp the second-largest BASF site worldwide. When asset utilisation was introduced as a KPI for the worldwide organisation, the Belgian operation identified the potential for further substantial capacity gains through improved OEE. A cultural shift was critical for the gains to be realised, said Herman Baets, technical governance manager at the Antwerp plant. A change programme began in May with a series of masterclass workshops focused on transforming leadership and culture. As a result, BASF has set targets for both plant slowdown and asset utilisation, with two senior executives assigned specific responsibility for these. Early process improvements, to date, include a reduction in the level of unexpected loss from a cooling unit from 10% to 5%, while it is aiming to reduce unexpected losses and optimise plant shutdowns by the end of 2012 and thus increase capacity by better asset utilisation. “We are talking about major culture change in a very large operation, which is already very successful, and it will probably take two years to deliver kinetic effect. But our president is 100% on board and that is vital,” Baets concluded.
The Paksi Atomerómó (PAKS) nuclear power plant, in Hungary, has selected Emerson’s CSI 6500 Machinery Health Monitor for use on eight turbine-generator machine trains. The PAKS plant is the only operating nuclear power station in Hungary, producing approximately 40% of the electrical power generated in the country. Each of the 32 CSI 6500 monitors supplied will be integrated with the PAKS plant’s existing distributed control system, allowing the operations and maintenance teams to see real-time protection and prediction monitoring indicators so that the effect of process adjustments on machinery health can be evaluated.
Honeywell is working with SAP AG to deliver integrated offerings, initially for the oil and gas market, combining Honeywell Process Solutions’ capabilities in production planning and scheduling with SAP’s know-how in ERP, supply chain logistics and business analytics. The partners aim to address the knowledge gap between business and operations groups in both upstream and downstream oil and gas organisations. Working together, they hope to develop business tools that allow greater sharing, collaboration and analysis of relevant data generated at both the plant level and across the enterprise. The collaboration will include the use of SAP BusinessObjects analytic applications, so that data from disparate sources can be combined and analysed, enabling clear communication and providing superior levels of business decision support.