Cost effective solution for inventory management
13 Feb 2013

The application of the latest non-contact scanning technology to a new range of level measurement systems has resulted in a breakthrough in providing an accurate, cost-effective solution for bulk solid inventory measurement.
The revolutionary 3D Volume Scanner System is available from level and flow specialists ALLISON ENGINEERING and is designed specifically for bulk-solid inventory measurement applications, where accounting for large quantities of solid material has traditionally been largely guesswork.
This new system eliminates the problems associated with conventional ‘point-level’ devices which only measure distance to a single point. Whilst this may be adequate for liquid applications it is not suitable for solids, where the product is uneven. Allison Engineering’s new 3D Volume Scanner System is designed to take multiple measurements of the product profile to build a three dimensional map of the bay, silo, vessel or stockpile. Based on the volumetric measurement and also the product density, operators are able to identify both the total inventory and also the product profile.
With this information, which has until now has been unavailable operators can reduce safety stock levels which can have an immediate and beneficial effect on cash flow.
Furthermore, the system also helps to identify product build-up so operators can maximise production efficiencies and generally analyses their process in greater detail.
End of week or month stock discrepancies, which can also create considerable friction between finance and operations departments, can be better understood with more accurate and realistic inventory measurement and 3D imaging.
Find out more about these 3D Volume Scanners, contact:
Allison Engineering, Allison House, Cranes Farm Road, Basildon, Essex, UK Tel: 01268 526161.