Red Lion has released a new white paper entitled How Protocol Conversion Addresses IIoT Challenges.
Aggressive growth forecasts fuel interest in both the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but details on what is required to make either a reality are still a bit hazy, says the company.
Within the industrial sector, connecting disparate devices from multiple manufacturers is a vital step to creating the IIoT and can be made possible through protocol conversion.
The white paper defines protocol conversion as a key first stage in solving the multi-vendor and legacy equipment challenge, adding that Wikipedia describes a protocol converter as: ‘a device used to convert a standard or proprietary protocol of one device to the protocol suitable for the other device or tools to achieve the interoperability.’
Red Lion then explores how this IIoT building block helps organisations connect devices, monitor processes, and control operations to extend equipment lifespan.
For more information, click here.