EL-FLOW Prestige, the newest generation of Bronkhorst mass flow meters/controllers for gases, can now be equipped with an on-board pressure sensor.
In combination with the “Differential Temperature Balancing” sensor technology and an incorporated gas database with physical properties, the instrument automatically compensates for inlet pressure variations.
As a result, the accuracy and control stability will not be affected by these pressure changes, says the company. Next to an improved yield of the customer’s process, additional components for line pressure control will no longer be required.
The multi gas/multi range functionality of the EL-FLOW Prestige enables the user to select any of the installed gases and to adjust the measuring range within the boundaries of the device.
Also, the dynamic behaviour of the mass flow controller can easily be tuned on site, by adjusting the controller speed parameters. These settings can be changed using the company’s free software tools FlowTune or FlowPlot. The latter tool can also be used for device diagnostics or alarm and counter settings.
For more information, click here.