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Delivering a better SAP system without harming product line or the bottom line
Added: 22 Jul 2019
Installing a new SAP system at short notice to boost stock management was a tall order but CSB mana…

Blockchain will release the energy industry's potential
Added: 17 Jul 2019
The energy industry is understandably cautious about blockchain technology, but we should heed the …

After a century of campaigning, why do we have so few women engineers?
Added: 21 Jun 2019
Windscreen wipers, computer software, space station batteries and the circular saw can all be credi…

Telemetry: the often overlooked Industry 4.0 gain
Added: 18 Jun 2019
You can’t ignore the impact of IIoT in the process sectors but you might miss one low key yet signi…

Why PC Pumps offer automated solution to reduce workplace injuries
Added: 3 Jun 2019
The food & drink sector accounts for a high proportion of injuries in the process industry, says SE…

How a smart switch solved a brewer’s overflow dilemma
Added: 29 May 2019
A good head on your beer isn’t helpful when foam confuses your production overflow system. A change…

Crystal, not balls: A grounded 4.0 guide hits the mark
Added: 29 May 2019
Proctor and Wilkins’ latest volume on the industrial present and future gains from its grounding in…

How to ensure your operation is digitally mature for the 4.0 world
Added: 28 May 2019
Clare Darlison of Idhammar Systems explains why manufacturers must take digital maturity seriously …

Tech brings environmentalism and effectiveness to micropollutant fight
Added: 15 May 2019
Technological advances have paved the way for environmentally-friendly and increasingly effective w…

Virtual training sidelines downtime
Added: 24 Apr 2019
What’s the answer when you install a state of the art process system but can’t train staff on it wi…

Six ingredients for better additive manufacturing
Added: 17 Apr 2019
Additive Manufacturing (AM) of metal parts and components is gaining prominence for its potential t…

Designing cable assemblies with practical manufacturing in mind
Added: 10 Apr 2019
When you design cable assemblies, you need to know the end result is practical for manufacturing. T…

Workplace noise is a health issue but how do you locate the source?
Added: 25 Mar 2019
Workplace noise may be a well-documented occupational hazard that can have detrimental effects on w…

Why sensors will be in the vanguard of your 4.0 evolution
Added: 20 Mar 2019
Sensors are the right starting point for any facility looking to evolve for smart manufacturing and…
Ten ways to work smarter and increase output
Added: 6 Mar 2019
Improving efficiency and optimising performance is a constant concern for the process industries. W…

Pump Industry Awards 2019 – pick your winner
Added: 20 Feb 2019
With a total of 37 finalists included in the shortlist of Pump Industry Awards entries for the seve…

Ensuring your diesel-fuelled generators are compliant
Added: 13 Feb 2019
Emissions legislation doesn’t spell the end of the diesel-fuelled generator, says Jason Harryman of…

Pumps to sustain a business and the environment
Added: 16 Jan 2019
On a remote farm, sustainability is a business as well as an environmental choice and it has to wor…

AR and VR are the key to 21st century process training
Added: 6 Dec 2018
Our workforce is increasingly tech savvy so it makes sense, says Honeywell’s Sudhir Kamath, to inco…

Valves industry chief calls for more focus on training existing workforce
Added: 29 Nov 2018
Valve and actuator businesses employ 9,000 people and the industry contributes £3bn to the UK econo…