Latest Analysis

Industry ignorant of efficiency deadline
Added: 4 Feb 2015
Companies risk fines of up to £50,000 if they fail to comply with new Energy Savings Opportunity Sc…

Shale college launch: premature or necessary?
Added: 7 Jan 2015
With so little known about the skills it will target and the courses it will offer, the launch of t…

Pure play
Added: 12 Nov 2014
As global water regulations tighten, filtration technologies are evolving to help process industrie…
Shale shapes Siemens' ambitions
Added: 30 Sep 2014
The $7.6 billion acquisition of Dresser-Rand is Siemens’ latest move in its bid to enter the boomin…
Service in the sky
Added: 17 Sep 2014
Does the future of the computerised maintenance management system reside in the Cloud?

Precision pumping
Added: 3 Sep 2014
A thirst for accuracy is driving demand for metering and dosing equipment, while at the same time t…
Remote control
Added: 3 Jul 2014
As technology costs come down and engineering skills get stretched, an increasing number of offshor…

Market slowly picking up after downturn
Added: 20 May 2014
Pump manufacturers publish mixed results for 2013, but many are optimistic about business in the ye…
Water life
Added: 6 May 2014
After decades of capital upgrades, the water industry is focusing increasingly on driving down its …
Learning the lessons from chemical disasters
Added: 22 Apr 2014
One year after the fatal explosion at a fertiliser plant in Texas, what lessons have been learned f…
Working together for a better future
Added: 15 Apr 2014
Following Sir Ian Wood’s report on the future of UK oil & gas, industry collaboration in the North …

Hammer action
Added: 25 Mar 2014
The water hammer that occurs in a facility’s fluid-carrying pipes generally has a variety of causes…

Acquisition promises product development “quantum leap”
Added: 18 Mar 2014
Atlas Copco promises long term approach to R&D after taking over vacuum pump specialist Edwards.
Slick oil
Added: 12 Mar 2014
UK oil & gas operators need smart approaches to technical challenges amid increasing pressures on c…

Fracking fallout
Added: 4 Mar 2014
The future for Europe’s refineries and petrochemicals plants looks bleak thanks to the US shale gas…

Efficiency evangelists needed to fight cuts
Added: 18 Feb 2014
A combination of government funding cuts to support for energy efficiency measures and waning inter…

UK and European chemicals firms suffer over energy costs
Added: 21 Jan 2014
From building shale gas import terminals to shutting down production plants, the cost of energy is …
Pipe Center moves into the industrial pumps sector
Added: 8 Jan 2014
Valvestock creates industrial process pumps division targeting power, food and chemicals sectors.
Complacent companies at highest risk of cyber attack
Added: 19 Nov 2013
Companies that employ outdated technologies and inefficient risk management tactics are at a higher…

Cost concerns limit energy efficiency investment
Added: 12 Nov 2013
Financial concerns trump environmental ones when it comes to considering investment in energy effic…