UniStream, the PLC + HMI all-in-one controller from Unitronics, now offers a built-in comprehensive Alarm Management System.
Designed in accordance with the ISA 18.2 standard guidelines for the implementation, operation, and management of alarm systems in the process industries, the new system is supported by a recently released version of UniStream’s application development software, UniLogic.
Intuitive and easy to operate, the UniStream Alarm Management System includes a number of features that allow operators to detect alarms, analyse them, and to then take the proper corrective actions.
These features include the Alarm Banner, which can immediately alert operators when alarms occur, and the Alarm Summary table that enables managers to review active Alarms and to perform any necessary actions.
What’s more, the system also features an Alarm Status Viewer.
This interface allows operators to view all of the Alarms that exist in the system, check their status, disable and shelve them, and even to enter Comments via UniStream’s HMI virtual keyboard.
In addition, the system supports state-based Alarm Suppression options, which allow the programmer to optimise alarm reports, prevent ‘nuisance’ alarms from occurring and avoid alarm flooding conditions.
To download the latest software, please visit: http://www.unitronics.com/support/downloads