Fulton is looking beyond the pure manufacture of steam boilers and is now specialising in ready-to-ship skid mounted and fully packaged boiler plant rooms to meet the current demand for off-site fabrication.
The company provides sales and application advice, as well as full commissioning and after sales service to hospital and healthcare facilities, food and beverage processing, laundries and other applications.
The company says that the systems are designed to be delivered to site and installed on a prepared concrete base. Final installation is made easier by connecting to termination points, pre-installed by the customer, to ensure that the new boiler plant matches existing site services.
Single or multiple skid-mounted systems based on Fulton’s boilers are available with all the necessary ancillary plant including boiler blowdown separator, feed water and condensate return tank, water treatment and control system with interconnecting mechanical and electrical services.
Fulton’s systems are beneficial for projects where on-site work is difficult or limited by time, where access is remote or restricted, or where security is an important consideration.
For more information, click here.