Heat transfer specialist Fulton has supplied a skid-mounted horizontal boiler solution to American Pan UK, a supplier of industrial bakeware and pan maintenance services to Europe’s bakery market.
Following a heating mechanism fault within a single unit in American Pan UK’s original plant process line, solvent used for the cleaning process overheated and ignited, with the subsequent fire spreading throughout the facility.
As the result, the company and its consultants, RE Architects, began to completely re-think its operations and re-design its process lines. This involved approaching Fulton to order its horizontal, gas-fired RBC1500 boiler system.
With the new process line using most of the available space within the new facility, American Pan took the decision to site the plant room for Fulton’s new steam boiler system outside.
Fulton’s skid-mounted heat transfer solution features a horizontal, gas-fired RBC1500 boiler with NU-WAY gas burner and fully-modulating burner controls to provide a steam output of 2,393 kg/h and maximum working pressure of 10.34 barg.
The skid-mounted system was delivered to site and craned into position from a neighbouring car park and, once the Fulton solution was sited and installed, the plant room was built around it.
With the process heating the solvent to 106oC (approximately 10% hotter than the previous system), American Pan has been able to reduce the acidity content of its cleaning solution to make best use of the increase in cleaning performance from the solvent.
The company also says that the risk factors that contributed to the original fire have now been “totally removed”.
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