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Modern union reps okay, says Mandelson
Added: 14 May 2009
Department for Business, TUC and CBI say reps and managers can work together to improve working pr…
Chemical accidents at record low
Added: 14 May 2009
A 40% fall in Lost Time Accidents is the lowest figure ever recorded by CBA and, it said, “sets a b…

Coal-fired project pushes technology boundaries
Added: 14 May 2009
A new 858 MW-rated generating unit is being built at the site of Europe’s largest lignite-fired pow…
Enter the REACH enforcers
Added: 13 May 2009
National inspectors have started checking pre-registrations, registrations as well as provisions fo…
Jotun Paints makes Lean advances
Added: 13 May 2009
Flixborough-based operation has been implementing new Lean management systems across its UK sites a…
SABIC, Sipchem unveil major petchems expansion plan
Added: 13 May 2009
MOU covers range of projects to produce speciality petrochemical products. The projects, they said,…
South Hook LNG re-gasification terminal starts
Added: 12 May 2009
With a capacity of 15.6 Mt/yr - the largest such facility in Europe - it will receive LNG from the …
Wake up call on recession-hit apprentices
Added: 12 May 2009
"If these young people don't find a placement to continue with their apprenticeships they will be l…
GSK chief wants mass support for process skills academy
Added: 12 May 2009
Everyone working in the process industries should become an individual member of the National Skill…
Corus to shut steel plant as offtake deal breaks down
Added: 11 May 2009
Meeting this week over plans to mothball Teesside plant after failure of offtake agreement. The dea…
Linde, Süd-Chemie start advanced biofuels plant
Added: 11 May 2009
Pilot plant producing second generation biofuels based on lignocellulosic biomass. Facility, at Süd…
Enpure turns to peristaltic pumps enable turbidity measurement
Added: 11 May 2009
Birmingham-based process engineering firm using pumps in its water treatment technology to enable c…
Bakers 80 times more likely to develop occupational asthma
Added: 11 May 2009
HSE is warning thousands of workers in the industry to take precautions against developing serious …
LSC announces £4.8m skill funding for Merseyside companies
Added: 11 May 2009
Liverpool, UK - The Learning and Skills Council has announced £4.8 million in funding to help ensu…
INEOS seeks more time from lenders group
Added: 11 May 2009
Group wants its lenders to extend a waiver on the terms of its debt repayments. The move, said the …
Thinking outside the blocks
Added: 11 May 2009
Operators in the UK process and manufacturing industries can thrive despite the downturn, believes …
ACTC details 2009 process control training event
Added: 11 May 2009
Event will be held from the 16-18 June at the Leeds University Business School. The main theme of t…
Scotland targets lead role in carbon storage
Added: 11 May 2009
Study by the Scottish Centre for Carbon Storage is the most comprehensive CO2 source-to-store study…