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Industry collaboration: The key to tackling supply chain disruption

The critical role played by companies in the UK chemical supply chain is being hampered by a range of domestic and international challenges, warns the Chemical Business Association's Tim Doggett. He …

Industry Update

Alicat dual valve controllers provide pressure solution

Alicat dual valve pressure controllers are designed by Premier Control Technologies (PCT) for dead-ended, non-flowing, systems requiring very precise control with zero overshoot.

Editor's comment

Chemicals sector finds Brexit's sunlit uplands hard to REACH

Brexit’s sunlit uplands are proving difficult to access and, for one sector at least, the blame for this problem cannot be pinned on one year of lockdown.

Comment & Features

Industry collaboration: The key to tackling supply chain disruption

The critical role played by companies in the UK chemical supply chain is being hampered by a range of domestic and international challenges, warns the Chemical Business Association's Tim Doggett. He …
